This website with links was sent to AWTHS so we are passing the information on to our readers who are interested in researching their home. This information is not from AWTH’S personal research so please read our blog’s disclaimer and information. Additional Resources Using Written Archives to Discover the History of Your House Public
Category: Featured
January Events 2022
AWTHS will be closed New Years Day. We will be open for visitors Saturday, January 8, 2022 from 9-noon. Appointments for research are recommended. Message or email awths to schedule. Please follow our Facebook page for postings, events and details.
Membership Time!
AWTHS and APS are offering a special savings to join both organizations. Details are above in flyer. Checks can be mailed to either organization, but to AWTHS use the PO Box 4, Arcanum, OH 45304. Questions? Please use the general email for AWTHS: [email protected] email. Or call Sharon Troutwine, number on flyer. Both are great
Village’s First Christmas Tree
Arcanum’s tradition of the Village Christmas tree began in 1922 per “Christmas in the Village” in the Arcanum Chronicles by William Gunder and Anita Short. Which by the way are for sale at AWTHS. The tree was placed at the intersection of West George and North High. It was sponsored by women of various clubs
Researching Your Home
AWTHS did an earlier blog and post on researching your home which included many tips and we encourage you to read the post. We wish to update this subject with some new information we’ve came across over this past year. Several questions we are asked are: Who lived in my home or property prior
Upcoming Events
On November 11 at 7pm at AWTHS, David Kepler will be presenting a Veterans program on Honoring USA Armed Forces for their Services. Make plans to attend. If you have photos or memobrilia of your family you would like to share for our files, please bring copies to the program or email to [email protected]. Our