John Kaufman Of The Civil War

AWTHS acquisition -Document on John Kaufman who served 16 Indiana Volunteers Civil War. AWTHS acquired a unique Civil War record on John Kaufman, Co K 16 Indiana Volunteers. We know from the paperwork he was 23 yrs old and served in a number of engagements which are listed from 1862-1864. The last entry by the

Summer Events & June Displays

AWTHS Open Hours are June 1, July 6, and August 3 from 9-noon. Research appointments are recommended but visitors are feel to browse the research library and tour the house. Special open hours include: June 21 (Friday) from 12 noon-5pm. We will have a special military type display along with our 20th anniversary photos

AWTHS Research-Reference Library

After the formation and purchasing the building for the Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society at 123 West George in Arcanum, the early members began a web site for AWTHS. In 2008 Bill Gunder, historian and awths founder, began overseeing the web site. Soon after, the AWTHS newsletters were an addition to the on-line records section.

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