WHERE TO LOOK in the Library


  1.  Start with what you know.  Name?  Dates?  Location?
  2. Looking for death dates or age?  Cemetery Recordings.  Find a Grave on internet.

Microfilm Darke Co. Deaths 1867-1905.  By appt. only.  Upstairs.

Check AWTHS website under on-line records.  1889-1896

Also on-line obits 1899-1935 AT papers.  (AWTHS website)

Check actual old newspapers.  1901-1970

Newspaper records Greenville papers:  Darke-1850-1898

Arcanum Abstracts-Rose Shilt’s AT obits

Miami Co-Friends Lutheran Church 1917-1961

Preble Co Abstracts 1867-1907;1927-1930

  • Burials– Cemetery Recordings by Anita Short and binders for Darke Co.

Preble Co-Cemetery Inscriptions V.1

Montgomery Co-Cemetery Records V 1-3 and assorted twp’s.

Funerals-Miami Co 1880-1894

  •  Also Find a Grave.

Permits– 1889-1907 AWTHS on-line website.  Issued by cemetery and date.

  • Birth Record?  Cemetery Recordings. Darke Co. Births 1889-1908.  Microfilm.  Appt. only.

AWTHS website under on-line records 1889-1899.

Miami Co-1853-1869

Preble Co-1867-1908

  • Marriage- Darke Co. 1817-1911.    Online 1845-50 AWTHS site.

Miami Co-1876-1892 by Enos Pemberton, Minister

Montgomery Co-1803-1851; Affidavits 1824-1857

Preble Co-1808-1950

  • Where people lived?  Census Records Darke Co. OH 1830,1850,1860,1870,1880,1900, 1910,1920,1930.

Preble Co-1820,1850,1860,1870,1880,1900.

Montgomery Co-1850,1860,1870,1880.

Plat Maps 1875, 1888, 1910 and later maps.  (Darke Co) Rural Directories (phone/address books) Years on website, 1916 and various later 1900’s years.

            Census also tell which township in county as well as who lived in the household.

  •  Deeds-of houses/farms.  See plat maps.

Darke Co Deed records 1817-1834

Land Entries Newton Twp T8R4  & Union

Preble Co-1808-1821;1821-1827, V3-7

  • Wills- Darke Co-Abstracts V.1 1818-1857T6R5. 
  • Will Index 1818-1900.

Darke Co Estates Vol 1&2 1818-1893

Preble Co-Estate Cases 501-12,999

Preble Co-Will Abstracts V 1&2 1808-1854

Montgomery Co-Administration & Will 1805-1850

Probate- Preble Co-Abstracts Estates & Guardianships

Cases 1-2999

Montgomery Co-Guardians 1805-1860;

Common Pleas 1803-1849 Mont Co.

Darke Co 1817-1860

Preble Co-1808-1853

Personal Property Tx List-Preble Co. 1827-1834

Naturalization Intent Darke Co 1856-1873

Quadrennial Enumeration Darke Co 1887 Twin & Franklin Twp-1899 Harrison Twp

Enumeration Miami Co-1827 by townships

  1. Church attended-see binders
  2. Schools-see binders, yearbooks, photos on laptop

Schools**Our yearbooks are mainly 1920-only one 1930-no 1940’s except Monroe.  Than AHS 1950-to around 2003.  Some years missing of more recent.  HOWEVER we have the Sr. class photos from 1920-2000 even if don’t have every yearbook.  Arcanum and F-M.

  1. Clubs, social-see binder and photos on laptop
  2. Businesses-see business binder and Book “Arcanum Businesses”.
  3. Other community’s-see binders, laptop and booklets such as Ithaca, Castine, Gordon, Pitsburg.  Check cabinet and website for complete book list.
  4. Family histories-see our surname list on website as well as binders and records upstairs

Biographies-See Darke County History book.  Some names included.

Old newspapers.

  1. Military Records/names-see binders and website list
  2. Obits-See AWTHS website On-line records for AT obits.  1899-1935

Check binder for funeral cards.

Preble Co-1877-1926

Preble Co-Eaton Register 1850-1890

  1. Records on laptop by do a search:

Arcanum Businesses (Lions, Livery, etc.)
Area Communities

Arnold History of Jaysville
Buildings and Residences 1910-1919

Chronology 1872-1968
Driving and Walking Tours
Early Buildings 1856-1914
Family Histories

Greenville Journal-Arcanum News 11/1852-1926
Gunder and Founder Family
Historic Homes and Dwellings
Mary Heyduck
Preble County

Renumbering of Lots 1869
Residents Each 10 Years 1852-1900



Preble Co-Early Eaton Papers 1825-1850

Preble Co-Eaton Democrat Papers V 1

Most of our death-census-cemetery books are on shelf 5 red cabinet #2. 

We suggest checking the Reference Materials List on AWTHS website under “Research” for a fairly complete list as well as browsing the many items in the reference cabinets.

The rest of Darke Co records are Cabinet #3 bottom shelfSame cabinet, top shelf is Miami Co. and Montgomery books and records. 

We have many newspaper clippings, especially little bergs. You may also find births,

Deaths and marriage records along with court and misc.

Upstairs:  We have more military records, old newspapers, Preble County records and many old photos as well as some family histories.  Some deeds/wills/family trees in file cabinet.

Our Arcanum books we sell are excellent sources.

On line we recommend Find a Grave and Family Search.  Fold3 for military.

Records/reference materials not available at AWTHS may be found at Arcanum Library including Ancestry on line as well as Darke Genealogical Society at Garst in Greenville. Along with Greenville Public Library.

Arcanum has early marriages and births along with census.  Garst has deeds on microfilm.  Greenville Library has good assortment but  early births/marriages are on microfilm.   No wills/deeds.

Actual records can be obtained from courthouse for deeds (recommend Garst as 1st choice) and wills/probate records as well as births/deaths at Health dept. near Greenville Park.

We appreciate donations to AWTHS for our volunteer’s time assisting.

*AWTHS does not offer internet.  There is a charge for copies from copier.

See AWTHS website under research for full guidelines researching, acquisitions.

Compiled by Annette Stewart   2023

3nd addendum 

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