County Roads

Midway on Rt. 49. Photo courtesy of the Archer family. County Roads from newspaper clips. Route 9 will become a Federal Highway, part of the national highway system and will be known as No. 127.  The last pavement was laid, making a completely paved road from Cincinnati to the Michigan line.  (Arcanum Times March 26,

March Events

March 5 from 9am-noon will be AWTHS regular Open First Saturday hours. Located at 123 W. George Street in Arcanum, the historic saloon and hotel later known as Beck’s Hotel and lastly the Wayne Trail Grange, became home to Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society. The house is open to tour with displays from Arcanum and

Part Two The Blizzard

Now the rest of the story by C. Wayne Davis Shortly after John left our house, there was a knock at the kitchen door.  Mother was in the kitchen and went to see who would be out on a night like this.  She knew that no car could come up the lane because of the

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