September events include Open Hours September 2 from 9am-noon. Check out our military files and old Arcanum Times Newspapers. See our Reference Materials List on our website for a up to date list of what our library as to view as well as conduct research from. September 14 at 7pm at AWTHS, Annette Stewart, fellow
Category: Events
Blogs on current Events at the AWTHS and around the local area.
July AWTHS Events
Flour Mill once in southern end of Arcanum The summer is the perfect time to explore your family history and tree or write about those family memories and stories. A great opportunity to research and find those details is during our open hours which is scheduled for July 1 from 9am-noon. Researchers are welcome to
Contacting AWTHS
AWTHS is transitioning our email accounts. If you wish to contact AWTHS we are accessible the following ways: Emails: General is [email protected]. For Research or to reach Annette Stewart [email protected]. For all other inquires, including Farmers Market and Facility Rental, use the general [email protected]. You may contact us through FB Messenger. Open Hours are generally
New Year 2023 at AWTHS
As we usher in another New Year for 2023 at AWTHS, we wish to announce our upcoming events that are planned so far for the year. We wish to thank all of our volunteers, members, board members, chairs, and the community for your time in serving and participating this past year (2022) and the area’s
April Events
The AWTHS Open Hours will be held Saturday, April 15 from 2-4pm instead of our usual “Open First Saturday’s hours”. This will be held in conjunction with the Arcanum Alumni evening event. This year the following classes will be honored: current senior class of 2023, 1998, 1973 and 1948. Visit the Arcanum Alumni FB page
November Events
November 5 Open Hours 9-noon. Program November 10 at 7pm on George Spreecher. Arcanum Post Master, Merchant, Father and Civil War Veteran who served with the Ohio 34th Regt. OVI Co. K.George’s great great grandson wrote a book using letters George sent home to his wife Sarah Ann Renshaw Sprecher during the Civil War.The book