Family Reunions
Baker Reunion Possibly 1922
Preserving History
Baker Reunion Possibly 1922
How many have a rhubarb patch? It seems most homes or farms do. I remember as a child ours was behind the swing set. Two huge plants. Every year Mom would pull the stalks and make rhubarb pie or cobbler. Not really my favorite then. Later I heard the outhouse sat by the rhubarb plants.
During the month of May AWTHS has been featuring old historic homes and farms and sharing their preservation stories and history of the landmarks that we know. This photo of the Kuskie’s home is a two story brick home built according to Sarah and Anthony around 1840 and was thought that freed slaves were used
Grandma Brumbaugh with her peony’s Spring time is a time of renewal. Not only of our gardens, flowers beds and yards but our mind. When Spring rolls around every year I think of my Grandma Brumbaugh and her love of flowers, plants and being outside. I share those same interest. I love going around and
Across the nation, hungry people waited in “soup lines” for a free meal, especially in larger cities. On the farm, growing, tending, preparing, and preserving food took many hours of work. There was no electricity to power refrigerators, so it was difficult to keep milk and other foods fresh, especially during the summer heat. Yet
Have you always wanted to write your family story in an understandable manner but didn’t know how or where to start? This blog will give some quick tips to get you started. First, decide if you are only doing family stories or incorporating some genealogy with dates such as birth dates, marriages and so forth.