September Events

302 S Albright in Arcanum September Events: Open Hours September 3 from 9-noon. Reminder appointments are recommended for research library. We have the actual old Arcanum Times Newspapers to be viewed from 1900-1970’s or around. Program September 8 at 7pm on the Dayton Racquet Company. The Dayton Racquet Company was the only company in the

August Events

August Events: August 6 Open Hours 9-Noon. Visit the Farmers Market -open every Saturday morning. Vendors Welcome (no set up fees and come when you can). Program August 13 at 10am.”The Day Words Went Up In Flames”. The Arcanum Public Library, Post Office, Arcanum Lockers and Clark Hardware originally the Weisenbarger Building on West George

Underground Railroads Stations Preble County

Donne Hayden was our speaker at AWTHS in June and did a wonderful presentation on the Quakers in Preble County, Darke County and IN. There was a voluminous amount of material presented on many topics including the Underground Railroad Stations, routes, and people involved. Here we’ve included a small sample if you wish to follow

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