Royer Potato Farm-Keep Smiling

Photo taken by Dayton Newspaper. From Joyce Miller. Story from Joyce Miller (Virgil’s great niece) Information also from daughter, Marjorie Weeks. Virgil Royer graduated from Franklin Township.  Attended Manchester College in Indiana and attended Ohio State University.  Married Florence Miller of Greenville.  Parents of four daughters:  Lois MacDonalds, Virginia Chase, Marjorie Weeks and Alice Jean

Fertilizer Company in Pitsburg

Leis Chemical Company . Photo from Don Leis Story from Don Leis. The Pitsburg plant was built in 1964 and was called Leis Chemical Company.  Owners were John Leis, his brother Ralph and Ralph’s son, Don Leis.  Don managed the Pitsburg plant.  Charles Hangen was the outside salesman calling on farmers along with Don Leis. 

Identifying the “unknowns” of Pearl Harbor

As we ponder Memorial Day, we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Those who did not come home. I came upon this article and post about needing help identifying those “unknowns” from Pearl Harbor. In fact one of them is Arcanum’s own: And yes, he was identified and “came home”.

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