Arcanum Horse Racing, Horse Tracks, and Darke County Fair

Featured Picture: Horse photo and info from Dixie Baker Kepler of her grandfather, Dale Baker and Peter-At-Law. Info is from William Gunder’s  and Anita Short’s book “Arcanum Chronicles”, chapter on Fast Horses. Fast horses and horse racing was of extreme importance to Darke County including the Arcanum area.  Among those horse lovers was Lon Smith

Marj Heyduck and the Arcanum Library

Marj Heyduck Involvement with Arcanum Library Taken from the Arcanum Chronicles Vol. 2 by William Gunder as well as various notes in the AWTHS library files including interviews and articles by Marj and the “Third And Main” articles. Dayton Journal Herald columnist, Marj Heyduck, wrote extensively in her daily “Third And Main” column about the

Arcanum Library Locations

Locations of Arcanum’s Public Libraries-how many do you remember? Info from the Arcanum Chronicles Vol. 2 for sale for $18, Arcanum Public Library and Historic Ivester House by William Gunder. The first Library location was in a room over Smith’s Store rented for $4 per month.  The Arcanum Public Library opened on January 25, 1911

The Rhubarb Patch

How many have a rhubarb patch? It seems most homes or farms do. I remember as a child ours was behind the swing set. Two huge plants. Every year Mom would pull the stalks and make rhubarb pie or cobbler. Not really my favorite then. Later I heard the outhouse sat by the rhubarb plants.

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