Those “Little Buildings”…Summer Kitchen?

1975 Located behind Arcanum Public Library-once part of Ivester House Recently we posted this question on our AWTHS FB page regarding “What are those little buildings sitting behind a main house”? What was their purpose or what were they called? We received a variety of comments among them: summer kitchen, smoke house, root cellar, storage

Spring Houses, Pump and Water Sheds

Pump shed Twin Twp. which had troughs for cool water to keep food products. A windmill sat on this property at one time. We are continuing our blog series after writing last time about summer kitchens, smoke houses and root cellars. We copy from Wikipedia about springhouses: A spring house, or springhouse, is a small building, usually

Inez Michael Brumbaugh Family

Inez Brumbaugh and her mother Emma’s collection Inez Michael was born October 18, 1904 and married Delbert Brumbaugh in 1923.   They had one daughter, Betty, who is Annette Stewart’s mother.  Inez lived as a child at the corner of Gordan-Landis Road and Hollansburg Sampson.  We are guessing Inez may have made these two pieces as

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