Due to the rain last week, the walk was rescheduled to Saturday, July 15, 2023. Meet at 2 South Main Arcanum, between 9:15-9:30am. The walk is approximately one mile and will be led by Cary Wogoman.
Here’s the link to the brochure/map which can be viewed, downloaded and printed off, of the brochure map. Brochures will be available at the tour and AWTHS. https://awths.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Arcanum-early-industrial-district-Walking-tour.pdf

If you can’t attend, we encourage you to view the brochure and take the walk at your convivence. The brochure list many of the forgotten or perhaps to the viewer, unseen photos, of the old industrial section of Arcanum
Arcanum and this southern part of the village was a booming town at one time. Learn about the two trains going through the town in this area: the D&U and The Big Four. There was elevators, a saw mill, popcorn factory, coal yard, grist mill, tomatoe cannery, brick yard, water and electric plant, and a racquet factory. Did you know Arcanum even had a marble and granite business selling tombstones? Lot’s of different businesses criss crossed this area and for a in depth look you won’t want to miss the July 15th tour!

Additional information can be found on the businesses in the Arcanum Business Book by Anita Short available for purchase.
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