This information was written by William Gunder but never published. It was one of his books he hoped to write about historic homes of Arcanum but Bill died in 2015.
This work is to be credited sorely to William Gunder.

CLARK HOME – 10 North Main
South West corner of Main and George Streets
This lot was first purchased on Aug. 9, 1852 by Garret M. Davis from the town proprietor William Gunder
for $100. It is believed that the home was erected between 1852 and 1857, as it was sold by Mr. Davis and
his wife Diadame to Dr. Jesse K. Paramore on July 2, 1857 for $1050, indicating that a building had been
erected thereon. It is believed that Mr. Davis lived on the lot and also had his blacksmith shop in that
Dr. Paramore would hold the property for almost three years, selling it for $2000 on Oct. 28, 1860 to Dr.
Phillip K. Sour.
Dr. Sour on March 4, 1865 sold the home to Samuel D. Smith, again for $2000. On Dec. 5, 1867 Jacob M.
Brown assignee of Smith sold the house and lot for $2000 to Susannah Lecklider. Mrs. Lecklider with her
husband Jacob sold the property again for $2000 to S.P. Dunkle. Mr. Dunkle only held it for a little over
two months selling to John D. Clark on March 24, 1872 for $3000.
The home, located on lot 16 would remain in the name of members of the Clark family until 1949. In 1887
John D. Clark ran into financial difficulties and the home was purchased by his daughter Sarah Elizabeth
“Lizzie” Clark for $2025 on March 24, 1888. After the death of her father, John D. Clark in 1902, Lizzie
would maintain the south side of the residence as her home; but the north side was rented out, first as a
residence, then later for business purposes. Eventually the north side became a restaurant and this portion
was remodeled to the street front of both West George and North Main.
The first business known to have been in the north side of the home was The Fulton Piano Store owned by
B.F. Fulton, with Otto Adam, also having a tailor shop there part of the time. Briefly, Troutwine Auto
service also had an office there followed by a number of restaurants, Antonidas Restaurant, Rush Inn, Wel-
Kum-In, and Kincaid Restaurant. Major remodeling took place during the periods that the Rush Inn and
Kincaid Restaurant were located here.
After Lizzie Clark’s death, the south side was used from 1932 to 1945 as a Bus Station and later by Kincaid
Lizzie Clark died in 1932, but under her will a life estate was left to her sister, Laura Limbert. After
Laura’s death in 1949, the property was finally sold for the construction of a business block, that presently
fronts to the north-south alley on West George with a small part fronting on North Main.
The home was remodeled a number of times with Lizzie Clark’s residence being on the south side while
she was still living and various business places being on the north side. After Lizzie’s death, the south side
was also used to some extent for business enterprises.
When the building was finally torn down, The Arcanum Times of Dec. 8, 1949 reported that “the building,
one of the oldest in town, had many timbers of black walnut.” It had survived for almost one hundred years,
Today, this block is where the Korner Restaurant was and Kincaid Kleeners once operated. Around the corner is now the Fourman’s Variety Store. Several of these buildings were torn down in the early 1950’s to make room for the current buildings. Read more about it in the “Arcanum Business” book by Anita Short available for purchase.
In talking to Cary Wogoman, who uses the “Arcanum Business” book extensively; he responded that of the three buildings in this area, two were moved elsewhere before the current block was laid out. One building was moved to High Street where Nancy’s salon is, 7 North High, and the other was moved to beside the current post office. We’ve included some current photos of those two buildings. Moving buildings around was common in Arcanum and making use of them in other locations.

Please follow AWTHS blog guidelines. This story is to be credited to William Gunder, deceased, great grandson of William Gunder, the Founder of Arcanum.