The “new” building which is present location of current church on Gettysburg -Pitsburg Road.
The basement was dug by teams of horses and men with shovels. Pulpit, chairs, and rug was donated. Funds totaling $100.61 was raised by the youth and children by soliciting in the community. Money was used for a piano (since replaced), library desk and chair, and sanctuary clock which all are still in use at time of this writing.
Services were held at the home of Ora and Nannie Zechar during the construction of the new church building. Meetings began in the church basement in November. Pews were brought back from Tiffin, Ohio, on December 30th, 1930. The New “Pleasant View” Church was dedicated. The membership was 77.

1947-Name of denomination changed from Mennonite Brethren In Christ to United Missionary Church. The new parsonage was built south of current church building.

1961-The nursery, with restroom, and Sunday School room, were added to northwest corner of the church building.
1969-United Missionary Church merged with the Missionary Church Association to form “The Missionary Church”.

1970-New carpet was installed in the sanctuary. Aluminum siding was put on the church.
1972-One-quarter (1/4) acre of land behind the church was donated by the Nicholas family for the construction of the Fellowship Hall. New kitchen cabinet and flooring, aluminum siding and storm windows were installed at the parsonage.
1973-The first bus purchased and the bus program began.
1975-A sound system was installed in the sanctuary. The Fellowship Hall was dedicated and new steps poured for the front entrance.
1981-New addition was built on church-new restrooms, nursery and toddler rooms and Sunday School rooms.
1897-A used van was purchased by youth group.
1988-New sound system installed in sanctuary.
1989-New roof put on parsonage. The parking lot was revised and expanded and the van was replaced with a 1987 Ford 15-passenger van.
1990-New windows were installed in the parsonage.
1991-Sanctuary was painted, new carpet installed, and new sidewalks were poured on north side of the building.
Farm purchased east and south of church property-including approximately 41 acres house and two barns.
Last bus sold and 2nd 15-passenger van (1984 Ford) purchased.
1994-Softball field and picnic shelter built. Exterior of the church painted.
1998-Life Center was completed and new projection system installed.

1999-Used van purchased.
End of church history that AWTHS obtained. If you have additional church history since 1999 please contact awths. Also if you have any additional photos or old photos of the first church building or parsonage. Contact awths through Messenger or [email protected]. Attention Annette Stewart.
Church history and photos provided by Pleasant View Church. Please follow AWTHS blog guidelines. History and photos are part of AWTHS archives. Credit is to be given to Pleasant View Church and AWTHS.