Early History Pleasant View Church-Originally Beech Church
AWTHS obtained the history of the Pleasant View Church, thanks to Christian Davidson, who is being mentored and helping with AWTHS history.
We learn early on that services began in 1874 at the home of Robert Wright, across from the former “Beech Church”. *In looking at the old 1875-88 map we see this name on the corner as well as the name “Rob” across the road on the farm name.
It sounds like the church outgrew the house, corncrib, barn and schoolhouse. In looking at the plat map again, we see a schoolhouse as early as 1857 and then #2 schoolhouse on the other maps, 1875 and 1910.

Present private residence which was once an old school house and grounds where the earliest church met.
In 1876 the church building began across the road on half an acre of donated land. We are assuming this is the SE corner of Pitsburg-Gettysburg Road and Yount Road in Franklin Township, Darke County, Ohio.

Present “Beech” Corner. Second church location. Not sure date or origin of this building. Any information?
In 1879 services began in the new building, dedicated as “Union Chapel”. (see map). The Mennonite Brethren in Christ and Christian Church congregations shared the building. Pastors alternated Sundays and both groups held revivals. Pews were planks, along with coal oil lamps which provided lights. For heat there was two wood burning stoves.
*We do not know for certain that this current building in color photo above was the “old church” building. But it did sit in this location according the map. Does anyone know or have any other photos of this corner?

The 1875-1888 plat map which shows Robert Wright land, school house and Union Chapel on corner.
In 1900 the first parsonage was built east of church on an acre of land donated by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weaver. Cash cost was $900.00 (see map). Rev. C. I Huffman was the first pastor to live in the parsonage.

1910 plat map which shows #2 school house, Christian Mennonite Church and parsonage.
In 1929 the Mennonite Brethren in Christ share in the church building sold at auction to the Christian Church. Two acres of land at the present side of the (Pleasant View Church today) was purchased from Lewis Yount by Trustees Henry Applegate, Lowell Shearer and Roy Riffell.
Work began on the new building. Part Two in the future.
Please follow AWTHS blog guidelines regarding this history and photos as part of AWTHS archives. Credit is to be given to the Pleasant View Church for their history, Writer, Annette Stewart, and color photos and AWTHS as well as author of old plat maps.