This blog is in memory of Elder Loami Ashley and is dedicated to descendant, Scott Ashley, who saw the very sad state of his burial grounds at Backman Cemetery and began a historical preservation project to remember this cemetery and it’s fallen.

Elder Loami Ashley is the son of William Ashley and Rachel Howe Ashley. The third child born of 11 children. The name “Ashley” may jog your memory as AWTHS has recorded history about this Revolutionary War Veteran (William) through our Ithaca Historic Driving Tour back in 2015 and the cemetery program at Ithaca Cemetery 2022 where characters were portrayed and David Kepler portrayed William Ashley and spoke of his wife, Rachel Howe.
Loami was born Ashley 9 Aug 1784, d. 25 Sep 1855. He was married to Rachel Baker,
(1788-1850), married August 31st, 1806, at Ontario, Wayne County, New York – ten daughters (Rhuemilla, Phoebe, Sally, Mary, Dency, Polly, Livonia, Sussanah, Mahala, Rachel) and five sons (Baker, David, Loami Jr., Harles, William) Some records indicate 4 sons.
We find from an obituary written by Elder William Nealigh, and published in the “Gospel Herald” of October 13, 1855, that Elder Loami Ashley was bom in the State of Vermont, August 9, 1784, moved to Ohio in 1817, and in 1819 joined the Christian Church at Liberty, Montgomery County, 0., under the labors of Elder Nathan Worley. He was a deacon of the church for many years, but in 1843 he began to preach, and joined the Tippecanoe (Indiana) Christian Conference. He died in Montgomery County, O., after an illness of four days, September 25, 1855, aged seventy-one years.
Humphreys, Evan Williams “E. W.” Memoirs of Deceased Christian Ministers; or, Sketches of the Lives and Labors of 975 Ministers, Who Died Between 1793 and 1880. Springfield, Ohio: Republic Printing Company, 1880.
Another Minister Fallen
Elder Loami Ashley has gone to rest. After a short illness of four days he closed his career on earth at his residence in Montgomery County, Ohio.
Elder Ashley was born in the state of Vermont, August 9, 1784 and departed this life September 25, 1855, aged 71 years, one month and 16 days.
He emigrated to Ohio in the year 1817 and two years afterwards he became a happy convert to the Christian religion, and united with the Christian Church at Liberty, Montgomery County, Ohio under the care of Elder N. Worley and remained a worthy and respectable member of that body until his death.
Being personally acquainted with him for many years I can say that he possessed a character of uprightness, honesty, truthfulness and peace. He was persevering and faithful in the cause of Christ and firm in his belief in the gospel. He served the church in the office of deacon. For the last twelve years of his life he was a worthy, respected and beloved minister of the gospel of Christ.
He was a member of the Tippecanoe Christian conference in the state of Indiana when his voice was heard declaring the truths of god’s word, giving saint and sinner, their portion in due season.
During Elder Ashley’s sickness he enjoyed his right mind, spoke of death with calmness, without any dread or fear. He gave orders how he wished his earthly things disposed of and then gave directions how he wished his funeral conducted.
Curt’s work: Curt Hobson transcribed what stones were left at Bachman on July 16, 2003.
These photos are Curt’s work and credit is to be given therein. Names of stones found and reference to known burials but no stones found.

After meeting with Clay Twp Historical Society and Clay Twp trustees permission was finally given to erect a sign in remembrance of the cemetery, which is called Bachman Cemetery in Clay Twp., Montgomery County, off of Rt. 40 located between Brookville and Lewisburg. There were many obstacles to overcome to get to this point. For instance, who actually owned the cemetery? Was it private land?
Another person significant to this project was Mark Meyer who is also another descendant and distant cousin of Scott. Both men connected with myself (Annette Stewart) and our historical society and through our archives, we were able to help them with information about the Ashley’s and connect different descendants as well as to this historical preservation project.
Mark Meyer supplied the funds for the sign and Scott contributed to the memorial stone. The stone was purchased from Abbottsville Monuments.

Mark Meyer in photo
It is sad that the cemetery was partially destroyed way back and allowed to get to this condition. After many protests about the condition, the broken stones were brought back but it would have taken a miracle to restore and some of the stones look unreadable at this point.

We are appreciative for the work and dedication of Scott and Mark for preserving to establish a remembrance of Backman Cemetery and the Ashley’s.

Scott Ashley
AWTHS has extensive archives on the Ashley family name. You are welcome to research during our open hours. Loami’s house was once in Ithaca, a brick older home built 1834, located on the north end of Ithaca on Rt. 503. It is no longer standing. In the south gable of that house at one time you could see the initials L.A. and R.A. meaning Loarn and Rachel Ashley.
If you have additional info on Elder Loami Ashley or any of the family members AWTHS would appreciate a copy for their archival library. Especially photos of their families or farms.
Family records from Vicky Krogg, Ashley descendant.
Please follow AWTHS blog guidelines. Credit for material is to be given to the quoted sources.