Col. George Gunder #10
Photo from Find-A-Grave.
Gunder Child #10: Son of William and Nancy Gunder.
George. Named for George Street in Arcanum per book “The Secret Town”.
Col. George Gunder was a solider, merchant and politician who was born 1840. At 17 years he began teaching school. We find in Twin Twp. ledger that G. W. Gunder was paid a salary for teacher for 4 years ranging from $37.67 to $88.00 for District #3 school which was located on Clark Road in Twin Twp. according to the plat map.
George’s brother Henry, was a teacher at Greenville High School and we find George graduated from Greenville with the class of 1873 per the “History of Darke County 1880” page 433.by Beers.
He was married to SarahAnne Snorf who was also a school teacher.
George was with the 160th I.V.I. during the Civil War.
He ran a mercantile at Verona and also served in the Spanish American War.
George and Anne didn’t have children of their own but raised two boys; Milton Snorf and Vernon Cogwill. George remarried after Anne’s death.
George is buried with full military honors at the IOOF Cemetery-Marion, IN.
Read and see more photos at Find-a-Grave. As well as his military records.
The information below is from Wayne Gunder from Find-a-Grave site.
COL. GEORGE W. GUNDER (1840-1926) The career of Col. George W. Gunder, both in military and civil life has been one of strict adherence to every duty, and during forty-five years he has been numbered among Marion’s leading citizens. A veteran of two wars, in both of which he won distinction, his record in business life is no less one of which he may well be proud, and although he is now retired from active affairs he still manifests the same interest in the affairs of his country and his community which led him in earlier years to put aside his private interests and go forth to battle in defense of the flag of his native land. Colonel Gunder is a native of Darke County, Ohio, and was born July 6, 1840, a son of William and Nancy (Rice) Gunder.
William Gunder was born in 1797, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and about the year 1820 moved to Darke county, Ohio, as one of the first settlers of Fort Jefferson. He died in 1863, while his wife, who was born in 1800, in Preble County, Ohio, passed away in 1849, in Darke County. They were the parents of ten children, of whom four are now living: Daniel, who resides at Marion; Mrs. Sarah Shepherd, an eighty-four year old resident of this city; Mrs. Caroline Shepherd, living in Covington, Ohio; and George W.
After attending the public schools of Darke and Montgomery counties, Ohio, George W. Gunder took a course in Lewis Academy, Lewisburg, Ohio, and when seventeen years of age began to teach school. He had been so engaged about four years when the Civil War broke out, and laying aside the cap and gown he took up the sword and enlisted in Company B, Seventy-first Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which he saw three years service. He was soon promoted to first sergeant, and later to second lieutenant and then first lieutenant, and in the latter capacity commanded his company in several hard-fought engagements. The Seventy-first Ohio participated in a number of the most sanguinary battles of the great struggle, including Fort Henry, Fort Donelson and Shiloh, the campaign at Chattanooga, Atlanta, Nashville and Duck River. During many of these engagements, Colonel Gunder distinguished himself, and on receiving his honorable discharge, at the close of hostilities he had a record for bravery and faithfulness to duty that gained for him the admiration of his men and the respect of his superior officers.
On his return to the pursuits of peace, in 1866, Mr. Gunder embarked in the mercantile business at West Baltimore, Ohio, and continued there until May 1, 1868, when with his partner, Mr. Samuel Arnold, he came to Marion, Indiana, and here for twelve years continued the same business, ten years of this time having their establishment on the present site of Barney Prince’s store. In 1880 the business was organized as Gunder, Arnold & Company, dealers in dry goods, etc., the enterprise having by this time assumed large proportions, and in 1890 the personnel of the firm was changed and the style became Gunder Brothers. This was conducted by Colonel Gunder and his brother until the Colonel’s retirement in 1904, since which time he has lived a more or less retired life, devoting his time to looking after his extensive realty interests. He has been successful in a material way and has accumulated a large property, but while he has been a busy man, with large private enterprises, he has never neglected to assist in all movements for the welfare of his community, and his support and cooperation have done much to aid in the progress that has made Marion a center of commercial and industrial activity.
In 1885 Colonel Gunder organized Company D, of the Third Regiment, Indiana National Guards. He was Captain of Company D for three years and was made major of that regiment under Judge McBride, now of Indianapolis, who was its colonel. In that same year, Governor Hovey authorized the organization of the Fourth Regiment, Indiana National Guards, appointing Colonel Gunder for this service, and when it was fully recruited, in 1890, he became its colonel. He was acting in this capacity when war was declared between the United States and Spain, in 1898, and on May 12th the Fourth Indiana was mustered into service, although enrolled April 26, 1898. The regiment was mobilized at Chickamauga Park, and on July 25, 1898, was ordered to Newport News, to embark for Porto Rico. After inspection by the Secretary of War, the Fourth was one of the first to be selected to go to the front, and subsequently saw service in Cuba and Porto Rico, and on the former island relieved the Spanish garrison at Mantanzas. The regiment was out one year, and was mustered out of the service at Savannah, Georgia, April 25, 1899. Of its one thousand three hundred and sixty men who left for the front, one thousand three hundred and fifty returned, the smallest loss of any regiment in active service, which was a distinct and eloquent evidence of Colonel Gunder’s military skill. Although a strict disciplinarian, he was ever just, and was a great favorite with his men, who knew that he would ask them to do nothing that he would not himself perform.
On May 9, 1861, Colonel Gunder was married to Miss Anna Snorf, who died April 17, 1896, without issue. His second marriage occurred May 26, 1897, when he was united with Nita Fisher, of Marion. Colonel Gunder has had no children of his own, but has reared two boys: Milton H. Snorf, whom he took when seven years of age, and was reared to manhood, becoming prominent in Wabash county business and political circles; and Vernon Avondale Caldwell, who was educated in Marion High school and West Point, graduating from the latter in 1890, since which time he has been in Alaska, the Philippines, and other United States possessions, and is now a major in the Twenty-fifth United States Infantry, located in the Hawaiian Islands.
Colonel Gunder is a valued member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He was made a Master Mason at Troy, Ohio, in November, 1861, and has continued to enjoy the privileges of membership in this order to the present time, being prelate of Marion Commandery No. 21, and a thirty-second degree member of the Indianapolis Consistory. Politically a Republican, he was chairman of the Republican County Central Committee in 1884, but of late years has only taken a good citizen’s interest in public matters. He has been a life-long member of the Congregational temple of the Christian church, which he assisted in building.
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