July Events
William Colville
July AWTHS Events:
July 2 Open Hours at AWTHS 9-noon.
July 9 at Ithaca Cemetery beginning at 9am-“If These Stones Could Talk: live in-person program on early settlers. Rain date July 16.

These photos are some of the characters and places we will be talking about at the Ithaca Cemetery: John Colville, Mary Thatcher, Christian & Dianna Good, Sarah and John Clark, John Fasig, William and Phoebe Ashley, and Dr. Cupp. If you are a descendant from these families, we invite you as our special guests! The program is free and open to the public.
Please note it is an outside event. Bring a lawn chair and be prepared to do some walking and be outside.
Farmers Market every Saturday morning at Veterans Park.
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