Reference Material Donations

Reference materials may include but are not limited to the following:

      • Family history books
      • Family Bibles
      • Old plat books
      • Family letters and correspondence
      • Books about Arcanum and surrounding areas
      • Genealogy reference books
      • Birth/marriage recordings
      • Cemetery readings
      • Census books
      • Church membership lists
      • Military records
      • Naturalization papers
      • Ship passenger list books
      • County family history books

Contact Annette Stewart at 937-417-3746 to arrange donation of any Reference Materials to the AWTHS Genealogy Library.  

Please check our reference list to avoid duplicates.  

Regarding photos:  We prefer 8 X 10 or smaller size to fit into binders.  If larger items please call first.  Please do not drop off articles at house and leave on the porch or in the door.


If you are interested in submitting your family’s history to the AWTHS for inclusion in our public research library call Annette Stewart at 937-417-3746 or contact us at:

Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society
Attention: Genealogy
P.O. Box 4
Arcanum, OH 45304

After talking to Annette the following guidelines should make your submission easier.

  • Download the Acquisition Card  to include with your history info. This releases the information you have submitted to the control of the Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society and certifies you understand that this info will be public.
  •  The AWTHS assumes no responsibility for content or accuracy of family histories submitted.
  • We prefer that all histories be submitted on family record sheet (FRS) or from your computer genealogy software program as a GED file.  We have a family record sheet download available on our website if needed.
  • We recommend your family histories include the submitter’s contact info on the form along with sources of information including where the document or info was obtained.
  • Copies of birth/death/marriage certificates along with newspaper clipping of obits or photos may be included.
  • Copying Photos & Histories: Copies of your Family History to be donated should be completed before arrival at our location.  We can only copy small amounts, and there is a charge.  
  • To insure legible information, we suggest the use of black ink pen or dark pencil.
  • Family histories should be mailed or brought to the AWTHS Building by appointment. Call 937-417-3746 .

Your history submission will be filed under the family surname.

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