Research Guidelines

To assist you with your research we have provided on-line lists of the Reference Material and Surnames available. Although these lists are not all encompassing they will give you some idea of the information available.    

We encourage you to come into the Research Library if possible to do your own research. If that is not possible we can only do limited look-ups for specific requests due to staffing.   Donations are welcome for our look-up services.

 IMPORTANT:  To help make research productive for all please bring

  • a family tree or outline of family names you are researching
  • time era for birth and death dates or marriages
  • area of residence such as Arcanum, Southern Darke County or other.  


Research at the Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society is by appointment. Please call 937 -417-3746 or email [email protected] to arrange a time. Location of the historical society is 123 West George Street, Arcanum, OH 45304.  The Historical Society is open the First Saturday of the month from 9 am-noon.  

We have a copier to make copies of materials for a nominal charge per page. Please note researchers do need to sign in upon arrival.

  1. You may bring pens, pencils & paper tablets to make notes.
  2. Cameras are also permitted as well as laptops.  
  3. AWTHS assumes no responsibility for the usage of copied materials for any reason. 
  4. If AWTHS materials used in publications or documents we ask for acknowledgement and by permission first.
  5. A copier is available to copy any research document at $0.25 per page.  Color .50 per page.


We welcome donations to our reference materials. Please go to the Reference Material Donations page for information about making a donation.

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