The Rhubarb Patch
How many have a rhubarb patch? It seems most homes or farms do. I remember as a child ours was behind the swing set. Two huge plants. Every year Mom would pull the stalks and make rhubarb pie or cobbler. Not really my favorite then. Later I heard the outhouse sat by the rhubarb plants. Perhaps that is why they were such “huge” plants!
Well after I was married my mother-in-law, Ida Mae Stewart, made this rhubarb strawberry dessert with a topping similar to apple crisp. It was very good! I guess our taste change as we mature.
Every year I make the dessert once the rhubarb is far enough along and there are strawberries in the store. And it’s one of my adult children’s favorites as well.
So here’s the recipe for all you who are thinking I really don’t like rhubarb. Well I thought that too, but try it and enjoy. Hopefully. And yes we still have a rhubarb patch-just in a different location.
Please share your thoughts on rhubarb or your favorite recipe with our readers. Like or don’t like?

Written by Annette Stewart. Recipe from Ida Mae Stewart collection.
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